

I’m going to break new ground – I vote for Baldur! 30.05.24

Galleg fjölskylda.

Beautiful family. 31.05.24

Baldur Þórhallsson forsetaframbjóðandi skrifar í Bændablaðið.

Providence on small farms and large ones. 30.05.24

Frjálslyndur, Bessastaðir, forsetakosningar 2024.

Liberal advocate of a small state in Bessastaðir 29.05.24

Guardian of the social contract. 29.05.24

Daring nation. 28.05.24

Baldur is a leader and settles disputes. 28.05.24

Let’s vote for Baldur for the safety of all of us. 28.05.24

The weapon against hate. 27.05.24

The candidate’s cons – a helping hand for the undecided. 26.05.24

Why am I electing a small-state studies “geek” for president? 05/27/24

It matters who is the president of the country 27.05.24

Let’s break a world record! 27.05.24

Why is Baldur my choice? 26.05.24

Positive vibes in Bessastaðir. 26.05.24

I support Baldur as the next president! 26.05.24

Do you know Baldur? 25.05.24

A Letter of Encouragement for Voters of Foreign Origin. 24.05.24

I vote for Baldur. 24.05.24

Visibility and strength of a nation. 24.05.24

Baldur is my secure choice. 23.05.24

Let’s break the next glass ceiling!. 23.05.24

Kjósum Baldur Þórhallsson. Grein í Morgunblaðinu, Sigurður Sigurðarson, dýralæknir.

Vote for Baldur Þórhallsson. 23.05.24

I vote for Baldur. 22.05.24

Baldur Þórhallsson is clever and wise. 18.05.24

The President of Iceland, Baldur Þórhallsson 16.05.24

Ideals and scholarship – Baldur’s unique way of serving as President of Iceland 16.05.24

I vote Gay 15.05.24

My man 13.05.24

Baldur Þórhallsson at Bessastaðir. 13.05.24

Presidential Candidates: Baldur Þórhallsson 09.05.24

Baldur never blows by the wind. 10.05.24

Elections and whooping cough 10.05.24

Baldur is my President. 08.05.24

Baldur as President… 07.05.24

I vote… 04.05.24

No we can be the change. 04.05.24

Baldur for humanity and society. 03.05.24

Baldur Þórhallsson, “all the way” to Bessastaðir 02.05.24

Baldur Þór­halls­son is my President! 01.05.24

Can you ask gays about everything? 29.04.24

Let’s elect a president with a wider knowledge of agriculture, 24.04.24. page 54

Baldur the pioneer, 26.04.24

Baldur in color, 22.04.24

Baldur the Gay, 07.04.24