Baldur Þórhallsson, stjórnmálafræðingur, prófessor. Forsetaframboð 2024.


Baldur Þórhallsson is a Professor of political science at the University of Iceland and research director at the Research Center for Small States here in Iceland. Baldur’s research and teaching areas concern small states, Iceland’s foreign policy, European studies, and international relations.
Baldur’s interest in politics was sparked through listening to political conversations in his youth in Rangárvallasýsla, where domestic and foreign affairs were attentively discussed, additionally, as a child he followed all the news.

Baldur was born in Selfoss on January 25 1968, but grew up on the farm Ægissíðu on the banks of Ytri-Rangá. Baldur’s parents are Þorbjörg Hansdóttir (Obba, 1939 – 2013), a merchant, and Þórhallur Ægir Þorgilsson (b. 1939), a master electrician. Baldur’s grandfather and grandmother, Þorgils Jónsson and Kristín Filippusdóttir, also lived on Ægissíðu and practiced mixed farming. Baldur helped around on the farm from a young age, but national affairs were always calling, and it just so happened that when he was young Baldur named the sheep after well-known female political figures of the time.

At Ægissíðu, one frequented playing with cards and chess. In his spare time, Baldur collected stamps, documented sheep markings, and had a particular fondness for the books about the adventures of TinTin. Baldur worked in various jobs during his teenage years, such as in a horseshoe factory, road work, and in his parents’ sales booth by the highway . Baldur attended primary school in Hella and later completed high school at Menntaskolin in Laugarvatn in 1988.

He then pursued his higher education at the University of Iceland, where he graduated in 1991 with a Bachelor’s degree in political science. During his university years, Baldur was not only a dedicated student but also a leader in various extracurricular activities. He served as the editor of the regional newspaper in Suðurland, the editor of the student newspaper, the vice-chairman of Vöku, the association of pro-democracy students, and the editor of Vökublaðinu. Around this time, his interest in politics, democracy, and the media had taken root, Baldur found his chosen career.

Felix Bergsson, leikari og fjölmiðlamaður. Eiginmaður Baldurs Þórhallssonar í forsetaframboði 2024.


Baldur’s husband Felix Bergsson is known to the nation as an actor, singer, and media personality who has, in recent years, hosted radio and television programs such as Fram og til baka, Bergsson og Blöndal, and Alla leið. In addition to this, for the past 30 years, he has produced and distributed children’s content in books, music, plays, videos, and audio stories. At an early age, Felix’s interest in music and acting was clear, and he first stepped on stage in a professional theater at the age of 11 in the children’s play “Klukkuborg” at the National Theater. Felix became nationally known as the lead singer of the band Greifarnir in the 1980s and has been a big part of Icelandic cultural life ever since. Felix was born in Reykjavík on January 1st 1967, and spent the first years of his life in Blöndós, where his father was the Principal at the primary school. The family moved to West Reykjavík and purchased the wooden house Túnsberg, where Baldur and Felix currently reside. Felix started his primary school journey in Blönduós, upon moving to Reykjavík, he went to Melaskóli, Hagaskóli, and then finally, upper secondary school at Verzlunarskólinn. Felix took an active part in various athletic activities having played both basketball and football at the KR athletic club. In addition to this Felix was able to influence the choir director at Melaskóli to admit boys to the choir for the first time, and played the tuba. When Felix started acting at a young age he founded, among other things, the theater group Veit mamma hvað ég vil? at Hagaskóli together with his friends.