Saman skrifuðum við söguna. Takk fyrir samferðina. Baldur og Felix.

With humility and respect, I am running for President of Iceland. Here on this website, we present our view regarding the office, its role, and its importance. If you share our vision, we invite you to join us on the journey ahead and request your support in the elections for the President of Iceland on June 1st.

heiðarleiki, mannréttindi, samfélagssáttmáli, þjóðarhagsmunir.

Hundreds of volunteers support the candidacy. Do you want to be part of a great, powerful and unique movement? Let’s work together. Click here.

If you truly believe that the President of Iceland should fully use his voice to prioritize human rights, stand up for those who are lesser fortunate in the Icelandic society and if you believe that the president should take the issues of children and youth to the heart. If you truly believe that the President should be the President of all Icelanders, then I ask for your support. Let's break new ground, let's work together!


Baldur Þórhallsson í framboði til forseta Íslands 2024. Framboðskynning í Bæjarbíói.